Financial Wellness Webinars
Expand your financial knowledge with the Next Step Webinars – a collection of action-oriented webinars featuring advice and tips to help you move your life forward.
Maintain Financial Wellness with Regions' Weekly Webinar Series
Join us for the Next Step Webinars where a knowledgeable Regions associate will walk you through easy-to-understand courses covering timely financial topics.
Register for an upcoming webinar using the links below. Topics regularly rotate and new dates continue to be added.

Fraud Alert: Protecting Yourself from Scams
With a growing number of scams, it’s vital to be proactive in learning how to spot one and taking steps to protect yourself, your information and your finances. Learn more about how scammers are looking to use your phone as a gateway to your information, how to identify scams, actions you can take to protect yourself online and more.

Saving for Retirement
Whether retirement is in the distant future or just a few years away, it pays to be prepared. Join us to learn about why it’s important to save for the future, how much to save and how to develop your retirement plan.

Your Road to Home Ownership
Are you ready for the risks, responsibilities and rewards that are involved in home ownership? Find out what to expect when buying a home and becoming a financially savvy homeowner.

The Importance of Saving
Everyone knows you should be saving, but not everyone knows how to initiate and commit to a savings plan. Learn how to create and implement a plan, the best accounts for saving, and money saving tips to start saving now.

More Financial Resources from Regions Next Step
Looking for tips and tools to help you reach your financial goals? Next Step’s online collection is full of articles, podcasts, worksheets, calculators and other useful resources to help you break down your plans into manageable and achievable steps.