Preventing Fraud and Protecting Your Finances

At Regions we are committed to helping you protect yourself from fraud. To demonstrate this commitment, we have compiled helpful information to enable you to protect your personal privacy and financial security.

You can deter potential fraud with these simple tips:

Watch It

  • Monitor your bank, credit card, brokerage and other financial account activity regularly. Report anything that looks suspicious immediately.
  • Check your credit report. You are entitled to a free credit report each year. To order, visit, call 1-877-322-8228 or complete the Annual Credit Report Request Form and mail it to: Annual Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281.

Protect It

  • Don’t respond to unsolicited emails, phone calls or text messages asking for account or credit card numbers, usernames, passwords or other personal information. Learn more about What Phishing is and How You Should Report It.
  • Don’t share sensitive personal information on social media sites or respond to messages from unreliable sources.
  • Shred financial statements that contain personalized information.
  • If you receive an email, letter or phone call that you suspect might not be from Regions, please contact us to confirm the source.

Prevent It

  • Use strong passwords. Passwords should contain a combination of letters, numbers and symbols. Don’t write down or share your passwords.
  • Don’t repeat passwords you’ve used before. Create a new, unique password each time so that if one account is compromised, hackers can’t use that information to access other accounts, as well.
  • Install the latest firewall and antivirus software. Learn more about Tools to Protect Yourself Online.
  • Remember that many public Wi-Fi connections may not have the same security layers as secured networks and therefore may not be as safe for accessing accounts.

Learn more about how to spot scams and protect yourself:

The information presented is general in nature. Regions reminds its customers that they should be vigilant about fraud and security, and that they are responsible for taking action to protect their computer systems. Fraud prevention requires a continuous review of your policies and practices, as the threat evolves daily. There is no guarantee that fraudulent transactions will be prevented or that related financial losses will not occur.